Creating an Innovative Noble Culture Of Peace
The primary objective of Popular Park Division is to enhance understanding and foster positive awareness within the community. The Popular Park serves as a main platform for our well-liked journals like “The Consumer Park”, an online Tamil publication, “The Consumer Park”, an online English publication, “The News Park”, an online Tamil publication, and “The News Park”, an online English publication.
The main goal of the Research Park Division is to support research initiatives that benefit society’s progress. The Research Park is a resource for cultivating research endeavours. Our publications include “The Journal of Law, Management and Social Science Research (JLMSSR)”, “The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)”, “The Journal of Voterology and Research (JoVaR)” and more.
Peace Park Print Division is a publisher of various materials such as books, theses, and albums, and it also helps authors publish books through other publishers. Peace Park Media Division is looking to create documentary films, contribute to FM radio and television programs, and engage in documentation activities.
The Consumer Park (Tamil) – is an online journal/news platform that aims to raise consumer awareness with a legal perspective and help prevent consumer exploitation. We are releasing content on legal matters concerning consumer rights, rulings in consumer disputes, market assessments, investigative pieces, critiques, etc.
The News Park (Tamil) – is an online journal/news platform, that aims to increase awareness and enhance knowledge through published articles. We are also featuring news articles covering various topics such as current events, politics, economics, society, science, law, etc., with the goal of promoting a culture of peace and preventing war and conflicts.
The News Park Mobile Application (NPMA) is a news platform that presents news, news stories, articles, interviews etc. We are covering various fields such as current affairs, politics, economics, society, law, science, security and peacebuilding, etc. It aims to create social awareness and strengthen the knowledge of the people. Presently, we are providing the service in Tamil only.
The Consumer Park (English) – is an online journal/news platform. The goal is to increase consumer knowledge from a legal standpoint and deter consumer abuse. We are publishing articles on consumer rights, decisions in consumer conflicts, evaluations of markets, investigative reports, opinions, and more.
The News Park (English) – is an online journal/news platform. Its goal is to raise awareness and improve understanding through the publication of articles. In addition, we are showcasing news articles on a range of subjects like current affairs, politics, economy, society, science, and law, aiming to foster peace culture and deter war and disputes.
“The Journal of Law, Management and Social Science Research (JLMSSR)” is a monthly online publication. The Journal covers a range of subjects within Law, Management, and Social Science without being limited to any specific field or subject within these areas. The goal of the Journal is to share information to promote the progress of society and bring about social transformation.
The Journal of International Institutions, Constitutional Law and Governance (JIICLG) will be published every three months on the 10th day of January, April, September, and December. The Journal discusses various topics in International Institutions, Constitutional Law, and Governance, with no restrictions on specific fields within these areas. The Journal promotes cross-disciplinary research that includes an in-depth examination of the specified field in addition to other fields in the contemporary era.
The Journal of Crimes, Accidents, Criminal Law and Victimology (JCACLV) will be published four times a year on February 10th, May 10th, August 10th, and November 10th. The Journal discusses various topics in Crimes, Accidents, Criminal Law, and Victimology, with no restrictions to any particular subfield in these areas. The Journal supports research that combines a thorough analysis of the specified field with other disciplines in today’s era.
The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR) will be released quarterly on the 20th day of March, June, September, and December. The Journal covers a wide range of subjects in peace, without limitations to any specific field within these areas. The Journal encourages interdisciplinary research that involves in-depth analysis of the mentioned field along with other disciplines in the modern age.
The Journal of Peace Space, Sea and Air (JPSSA) will come out every three months on March 10th, June 10th, September 10th, and December 10th. The Journal covers a variety of topics in peace and space, sea and peace, and air and peace without being restricted to any particular field within these areas. The Journal promotes cross-disciplinary research that includes a thorough analysis of the specified field as well as other fields in today’s era.
The term “Voterology” was coined by Dr. V Ramaraj in his article on August 20, 1999, and he was recognized as the “father of Voterology” in 2000. “The Journal of Voterology and Research (JoVaR)” will be published quarterly on for publication on the 20th of February, May, August, and November. The Journal discusses various topics related to the election system, voter’s rights and duties, their behaviour, and more, with a focus on interdisciplinary research
The Development Projects Division is an initiative aimed at improving community amenities and needs such as auditoriums, resorts, sports clubs, and others. And offering support to establish cooperative farms in plains and hilly regions. Creating business websites to act as intermediaries for the service.
Image Building Division involves enhancing the brand image or public perception of a person or entity through effective public relations and promotional strategies. We offer website development services to promote the image, business, and activities of institutions and individuals. Additionally, we are providing support to organizations and individuals in developing strategies.
Planning Programme Division, (event management) is crucial for any structured effort to reach specific objectives. When transitioning from ideas to action, it is important to first have and implement ideas. We are organizing and carrying out activities. We also offer services to institutions and individuals for planning and implementing programs.
To understand the idea of Voterology, please read “Introduction to Voteology.” Click here!
The Marketing Management Division focuses on building the brand, gaining insight into the customer demographics increasing revenue and aligning with a company’s larger business goals. We value effective marketing strategies are crucial for building a solid market presence and engaging the intended audience.
The Operations Management Division concentrates on projects, technical tasks, and marketing, and creates term and annual operational plans for all sections of the company. It performs backend business functions, and administration of business structure, practices, and processes to enhance efficiency.